My passion is working with people, particularly men, to free themselves from old behaviors (including defensiveness) that no longer serve them, so they may regain spontaneity, reclaim their power of choice, be more grounded in who they are, trust their heart, and ultimately develop a more harmonious and balanced life.
Growing up, two aspects of my life impacted significantly: the frequent conflicts my parents had and the confusion about what a man is. As a result I looked for what "being a man" really means since the macho-guy is not a working model allowing me joyful, harmonious relatiomship as well as emcompasses my many facets.
I am committed to helping people define and assert who they are and how they want to define their relationship so that they can have satisfying and harmonious connections.
I have always been interested in the connection mind-body. My experience, which is aligned with current scientific research, shows that the healing process often needs to involve the body as well as the mind. Therefore, I am offering an experiential approach through action methods. It includes psychodrama ("soul in action" in Greek) and other interventions inspired from my training in Aikido.
I work with an approach called the Therapeutic Spiral Model, developed by Dr. Kate Hudgins and Francesca Toscani. I am currently a team leader for the Therapeutic Spiral Model in the west coast practice group, and I have integrated this model into my work with couples and individuals.